Chip design in India has been identified as a prominent industry to support the already achieved development in IT field. With growing design houses day by day, a large pool of highly skilled individuals is needed to meet this demand. But, a potential gap was evident in the expectations of the industry and the output from academic institutions.
Realizing this need for trained manpower, we had launched a Certificate in Digital VLSI Design with emphasis on Digital CMOS circuit design, VLSI design flows, verification and testing. This course will be effective in providing potential engineers with exposure to both front-end and back-end processes in VLSI Design.
At Ahmedabad few institutions are offering courses in VLSI Front-end designing with following course contents.
Advance Digital Design
- Digital Logic Fundamentals
- Combinational logic design
- Sequential logic design
- Programmable logic
- State machines
- VHDL Overview and Concepts
- Levels of Abstraction
- Entity, Architecture
- Data Types and declaration
- Enumerated Data Types
- Relational, Logical, Arithmetic Operators
- Signal and Variables, Constants
- Process Statement
- Concurrent Statements
- When-else, With-select
- Sequential Statement
- If-then-else, Case
- Slicing and Concatenation
- Loop Statements
- Delta Delay Concept
- Arrays, Memory Modeling, FSM
- Writing Procedures
- Writing Functions
- Behavioral / RTL Coding
- Operator Overloading
- Structural Coding
- Component declarations and installations
- Generate Statement
- Configuration Block
- Libraries, Standard packages
- Local and Global Declarations
- Package, Package body
- Writing Test Benches
- Assertion based verification
- Files read and write operations
- Code for complex FPGA and ASICs
- Generics and Generic maps
- Language introduction
- Levels of abstraction
- Module, Ports types and declarations
- Registers and nets, Arrays
- Identifiers, Parameters
- Relational, Arithmetic, Logical, Bit-wise shift Operators
- Writing expressions
- Behavioral Modeling
- Structural Coding
- Continuous Assignments
- Procedural Statements
- Always, Initial Blocks, begin ebd, fork join
- Blocking and Non-blocking statements
- Operation Control Statements
- If, case
- Loops: while, for-loop, for-each, repeat
- Combination and sequential circuit designs
- Memory modeling,, state machines
- CMOS gate modeling
- Writing Tasks
- Writing Functions
- Compiler directives
- Conditional Compilation
- System Tasks
- Gate level primitives
- User defined primitives
- Delays, Specify block
- Testbenchs, modeling, timing checks
- Assertion based verification
- Code for synthesis
- Advanced topics
- Writing reusable code
- Re-configurable Devices, FPGA’s/CPLD’s
- Architectures of XILINX, ALTERA Devices
- Designing with FPGAs
- FPGA’s and its Design Flows
- Architecture based coding
- Efficient resource utilization
- Constrains based synthesis
- False paths and multi cycle paths
- UCF file creation
- Timing analysis/Floor Planning
- Place and route/RPM
- Back annotation, Gate level simulation, SDF Format
- Writing Scripts
- Hands on experience with industry Standard Tools
- Synthesis Concepts
- HDL Implementation design cycle
- ASIC Implementation design cycle
- Sequential design optimization
- Synchronous Design
- Asynchronous design
- Guidelines for reset
- Synchronous and Asynchronous reset
- Guidelines for clock structures
- Gated clocks
- VHDL synthesis
- Synthesizable and Non-synthesizable VHDL constructs
- Verilog Synthesis
- Synthesizable and Non-synthesizable VHDL constructs
Timing Analysis
- Static timing analysis
- Dynamic timing analysis
- Setup time
- Hold time
- Setup and Hold checks
- Setup and Hold timing analysis
- Timing paths
- Clock skew
Total course duration including major project: 6 months
Course Highlights :
- Advanced Digital Design And Verilog Coding Techniques
- Advanced Verification Techniques
- Synthesis and Static Timing Analysis
- Floor Planning, Placement And Routing
- Interview Preparation and Mock Interviews
For more detail please contact
Ph:- +91-8264111268
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ReplyDeleteonline vlsi training
Online training is benefited also in term of interaction with students from different region worldwide, which will make your communication skills better and also you can hear the doubt of different students from different region which might be not in your mind.